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A 6" inch blade with 10 Radial teeth. Maybe the most misunderstood and amazing scissor in our range. Sometimes mistaken for being very aggressive because of its looks, it is actually one of the softest texturisers in our range. But beware, the Croc has a dark side, flipping the scissor turns it into an agressive beast.

Excellent Edges Crocodile Left

  • Tech Specs

    The Excellent Edges range of Scissors are forged from the renowned Japanese Hitachi ATS-314. This level of metal provides you with an exceptional hairdressing scissor capable of all types of cutting techniques. They include brands such as The Fish Kit and Edges Premium.

  • Tech Specs

    The Excellent Edges range of Scissors are forged from the renowned Japanese Hitachi ATS-314. This level of metal provides you with an exceptional hairdressing scissor capable of all types of cutting techniques. They include brands such as The Fish Kit and Edges Premium.

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